Harvest 50 Gravel Road Race returns to Zionsville Oct. 29


By Alec Johnson

Event Director Tim Casady, left, with Masters 40-50-year-old winner Pat Meyer of Carmel at the 2015 event. (Submitted photo)
Event Director Tim Casady, left, with Masters 40-50-year-old winner Pat Meyer of Carmel at the 2015 event. (Submitted photo)

Bicycle riders and racers from across the Midwest will gather for the second Zionsville Harvest 50 Gravel Road Race and 25-Mile Challenge Ride later this month.

The event, scheduled for 10 a.m. Oct. 29, will feature a 50-mile race and a non-competitive 25-mile ride starting at Historic Maplelawn Farmstead in Zionsville. Both will take place on gravel and country roads that run through Boone County. There will be an official race start and finish at the pedestrian bridge north at Turkey Foot Park in Zionsville.

Riders and racers are encouraged to come back to the farmstead for the awards, and lunch will be served from noon until 3:30 p.m. There will also be hourly tours of the homestead, run by Maplelawn Farmstead, Inc, a nonprofit  “dedicated to developing and operating a historically recognized museum and related educational programming,” according to its website.

“It’s a really unique, fun event that highlights some unusual and cool features of Zionsville and Boone County,” Event Director Tim Casady said. “Gravel road riding and racing has become really popular with enthusiasts, bicyclists, endurance (riders). Things like the world famous Emporia, Kansas ‘Dirty Kanza’ 200 Mile Ultra Endurance Gravel Road Race, and then the Flint Hills in Kansas are super popular.”

Registration is limited to 200 riders. Cost is $45 if paid before the event and $70 the day of the event. Cost includes an event T-shirt (if registered by Oct. 15), post-ride lunch and awards.

Learn more at zionsvilleharvest50.com/home.html. To register online, visit bikereg.com/harvest50. The deadline for online registration is Oct. 28.
