A bit of irony in reading the most recent Current.
Page 2 had an article reporting on a study of the condition of our roads carried out by a consultant for the town of Zionsville. They noted 40% or more of our roads are in “poor” condition or worse. If recommended repairs or repaving were undertaken immediately, the cost was estimated to be $20 million. The Zionsville Street Department evidently earmarked approximately $1 million for this year toward road repairs.
A couple of pages deeper into the paper was a report about the Town Council approving the construction of a 40,000 square foot new town hall at a cost of over $10 million (to be borrowed), over near unanimous publicly voiced opposition based on concerns over the need for a new hall, the size/scope of the project, the cost, the borrowing etc.
To his credit, Mr. Schuler voted against it, and in fairness Ms. Hopper was not present. All others voted for the expenditure.
I understand it is not as simple as it sounds, but it just seemed ironic that we have a street repair budget that is seemingly woefully underfunded, yet the Council approves a plan and finds the future funds to build a new town hall over very strong constituent opposition.
Ironic or not, the current political climate may give voters pause when examining this expenditure.
Jim Blackwell