By Amanda Foust
The Community Foundation of Boone Co. recently announced that CEO Jen Pendleton has resigned effective April 1 to become a vice president with Aly Sterling Philanthropy.
Although Pendleton played a dynamic role in CFBC, the nonprofit’s board is confident in the leadership moving forward.
“The board has full confidence that the staff will continue to serve CFBC donors and grantees well while we seek a new CEO,” CFBC Board Chair Beth Casselman said.
For 25 years, CFBC has managed endowed gifts and offers grants that meet the needs of people in Boone Co.
“The mission of CFBC is to unite people, organizations and philanthropy to create a thriving community for all,” said Interim Leadership Administrator Kristi Reynolds.
Knowing residents of a community are experts in their own needs, CFBC has been investing in the community since its founding in 1991 with $15,000. Today, it holds $21 million in assets and has granted more than $20 million.
Despite the upcoming leadership changes, CFBC officials believe that focusing on communication and teamwork will help the organization be stronger than ever.
“By combining our strengths, our staff can continue the momentum of the foundation and maintain our trajectory,” said Cole Mecum, a newly appointed co-leader.
The board has formed a CEO search committee. Information about the position opening can be found at