Pete Emigh resigns as Hamilton County GOP chairman  


After five years of service, Pete Emigh resigned his position as chairman of the Hamilton County Republican Party effective Dec. 31, 2015.

Emigh did not respond to calls for comment, but sent out a statement.

“I believe that we are uniquely prepared to meet the coming challenges in a pivotal year for our county, state and nation’s future,” he wrote. “With that in mind I feel this is the perfect time to pass the baton of leadership to those who will take our County Party to the next level.”

Emigh, a certified financial planner, writes that he’s resigning to spend more time with his business and family. Emigh previously served as the vice chairman before succeeding former chairman Charlie White, who served as Indiana’s Secretary of State before being removed from office after felony convictions for perjury, theft and voter fraud.

Abdul Hakim-Shabazz, a local conservative talk radio host and political blogger, said he thinks two well-known names could be the next party chair: Laura Campbell, currently vice chairman and a newly elected member of the Carmel City Council, and Pete Peterson, president of the Fishers City Council and treasurer for the county party. Several other local elected officials also mentioned those two names.

Campbell confirmed via e-mail that she is interested in the position. Peterson could not be reached for comment.

John Accetturo, a former member of the Carmel City Council who has been endorsed by Tea Party groups in his past elections, said people have mentioned his name as well. He has often disagreed with Emigh, accusing him of favoring some candidates in GOP primaries. Emigh has denied that in past news reports, saying he only does what’s best for the party.

“Whether it is I or someone that replaces him, we need to bring integrity back to the position,” Accetturo told Current in Carmel. “Party leaders need to be independent and let the voters decide who will be our candidates via the primary process.”

Emigh said he’s proud of what he’s accomplished during his time as chairman.

“Some of my goals as Chairman at that time were to ensure our Republican candidates’ success at the local level, elevate Republicans throughout Indiana by delivering strong vote margins for our statewide and congressional candidates, and continue to improve our internal capabilities including growing our grassroots programs,” he stated. “Looking back, I am grateful for the amount of time, effort and dedication put in by many people to make sure those goals were achieved, and in many cases surpassed.”
