Fishers Police Chief George Kehl recently announced his retirement from the department. When he did so after 40 distinguished years of public safety service, we saw golf courses, beaches and palm trees in the chief’s future. How wrong we were. Kehl, who apparently is happiest when serving the citizenry, has thrown his hat into the ring as a candidate for Hamilton County Council. When he retired, he said he wanted to continue serving locally. We took that to mean, perhaps, volunteerism and maybe consulting. We had no idea this was on his agenda, but we are not surprised in the least. It’s great to see a man who served his city for so long, literally helping build not only the police department but the city, too, to want to continue on another level of service. It’s a big commitment, and should he succeed we believe he would give it the energy and enthusiasm the position requires. Having stated that, we are not endorsing Kehl for council; we’re simply marveling at his ambition and commitment at a time when it would be far simpler to pack up the family roadster and head off to warmer climes.
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We’re not taking up the cause of Donald Trump (R-Billions) here, but what we believe he was saying when he fired off incendiary comments about closing the United States to Muslims was this: Until this broken nation with broken systems can get its collective broken brain repaired, were are not nearly as secure as the government would have us believe. We should be demanding that our leaders do whatever it takes to achieve that. Instead, we’re too busy lining up at midnight for doorbusters. It’s just pathetic.