Jerry Points, former arts advisor to the City of Carmel and owner of Eye on Art Gallery, has announced he will join artist Magdalena Hoyos-Segovia to create Magdalena and Jerry Points Gallery of Art in the Carmel Arts & Design District at 27 E. Main St.
Last December, Points was forced to close his gallery, which was at 111 W. Main Street, and resign from his advisor role because he became very ill with shingles. In addition, his wife is dealing with Parkinson’s.
His health improved somewhat and he was able to begin painting again from his home. Now he said he’s ready to begin working in a gallery again. His primary role will be as a gallery curator and some of his art will be on display.
“This was part of the gallery at Eye on Art Gallery that I really enjoyed,” he said. “I really enjoy working with artists.”
Hoyos-Segovia has become busy with art classes for adults and children on the second floor of the space. The art academy has continued to grow in popularity, so Points said he’s hoping to help out with shows at the gallery as a partner in the space.
Points said both partners that the plan is to display somewhat affordable pieces – not “gold frame” works that are a sizeable investment for buyers. In addition, he said there will be new works on display every month.