Column: Fish pose like a dip in cool water

Fish pose promotes deep breathing and helps keep abdominal organs healthy. (Submitted photo by Brett Johnson)
Fish pose promotes deep breathing and helps keep abdominal organs healthy. (Submitted photo by Brett Johnson)

Commentary by Anne Johnson

Namaste! In honor of Columbus Day and sailing the ocean blue, I’m proud to share October’s Aquatic Yoga Pose. Yoga is about making space for stillness and listening to the voice that arises from the quiet. Now let me introduce Fish Pose.

Fish are quite different from all other animals. Their unique makeup of gills and fins, and the fact that they live only in the water, sets them apart in the animal kingdom. Fish see the world from below the surface, and what a world they see! Living among bright coral, glowing anemone and giant whales makes being different very exciting.

Transform yourself into a fish to see the world from a different perspective. Lay on your back and place your arms by your sides. Press your forearms into the floor and lift your chest and back up. As your spine starts to arch, slide your hands under your bottom, palms down. Lift your chin up, coming on to the crown of your head and look behind you. Stay in the pose and breathe.

It’s fun to try fish in front of a mirror or with a partner. Lie head to head and as you lift your chin, look behind you. See you if you can see your reflection or make eye contact with your friend. Try to make fish lips in your fish pose.

Fish pose helps you take deep, full breaths. It keeps your abdominal organs healthy, too. Fish pose relieves stress and refreshes your mind and body, like a dip in cool water.

Contributor Anne Johnson teaches kids, tots, expectant and new mothers yoga at Simply Yoga in Zionsville. As a 200 RYT registered yoga teacher, engineer, and children’s book author, Anne enjoys writing and sharing “adult ideas” in a way that makes them accessible to children.
