Five minutes with Josh Taylor


CIZ-COM-0210-Five MinutesMeet Josh Taylor, Zionsville resident.

How long have you lived in Zionsville?

“About 24 hours.”

What do you like about it so far?

“I enjoy the fact that it’s a lot quieter and smaller than where I lived in Indianapolis.”

What’s a restaurant that you enjoy around here?

“Amore’s pizza. I’ve only been there once, but I like their peperoni pizza.”

Do you have a favorite movie?

“It’s hard to choose just one, but I’d probably chose ‘Black Hawk Down’. It’s a retelling of a mission by the U.S. military in Somalia back in the early 90’s that went haywire.”

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

“I’d revisit Brussels, Belgium. I’ve been there before, but only for a couple of hours between connecting flights. It was very nice, and I’d like the chance to see more of it.”
