Column: Step into your worth


Commentary by Kristen Boice

Do you try to please others to feel accepted? Do you sometimes change what you want or like to be part of a group in order to belong? Do you feel like you have lost a sense of who you are? Do you compromise your values because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. It’s time to step into your value.

Everyone comes into the world with their own blueprint. Your blueprint is your individual gifts, passions, talents, purpose and values. There are no two people created exactly alike. There are no duplicates. You are an original. It was designed that way for a reason. We all have different gifts to bring to the world and sometimes we aren’t connected to our gifts so we end up trying to please everyone else and running on their blueprint. Are you ready to start stepping into who you are?

1. Stop sleepwalking. Many of us are just going through the motions of daily life. Start paying attention and waking up to who you are. What do you like? What makes you feel alive inside? What are you passionate about? Write your answers down and keep adding to the list.

2. No more excuses. Take responsibility for your choices and where you are in your life. Excuses are baggage from the past that keep us from moving forward and living the life we want. It’s time to get real about how you are sabotaging yourself. Take action now.

3. Don’t believe the lies we tell ourselves. These limiting beliefs will hold us back from living out our blueprint. We often tell ourselves we are not good enough. We aren’t important or don’t matter. We are defective or not ____ enough. If these are cemented in your thinking it might be time to talk to a therapist to work through how these got formed.

4. Create space and time to get clear. We fill our days full with work, errands, our kids’ activities, volunteering, internet, television, sporting events and the list goes on. We aren’t making time to reflect and get still to go within. Take time to write out your hopes and dreams. Carry a journal with you and write in it as you feel inspired.

5. Believe in yourself. You can do this! You can have the life you want. Create new thoughts and beliefs around yourself and your blueprint. You got this!
