Monon playground slated for fall


By Mark Ambrogi

The Monon Community Center area will add another dimension with the Central Park West Commons playground area this fall.

The playground will be located off the College Ave., entrance on the road that leads to the MCC. Mark Westermeier, director for Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation, said the construction will probably start in the spring.

“Ideally it will be open toward the fall of the year,” Westermeier said. “The playground equipment was ordered last year and should be (delivered) in March. We’ll have it in storage until the rest of the area is built out and it is ready for it.”

The playground will be between the bridge and lagoon area, Westermeier said. There are walking trails to the MCC.

“It will have the capacity for a couple of hundred children,” Westermeier said.

The community green will include a large multi-use meadow, shelter and pavilion for picnicking and other large events. There will spray ground for youngsters.

There will be a central lagoon, which will be available for educational and recreational programming, including  summer fishing, canoe/kayak and environmental camps.

Among the other amenities are a green parking lot, sculpted landforms, kinetic eco art, additional lighting and public restrooms.

In addition, Westermeier said the Central Park Bark Park will be completed in the spring and likely open in mid-summer. The entrance for the dog park will be on 116th Street, on the north side of Central Park. The Bark Park will be approximately two acres and enclosed by a four-foot high fence.There will be parking and restrooms available.

“Most of the work is done but it got cold and they didn’t finish getting all the grass installed on it,” Westermeier said.
