Letter: Backshop smearing once again



I have written several letters to the editor in response to reprehensible commentary in From the Backshop (calling our President the “Liar in Chief” comes to mind), but my letters were never published. Once again, I am compelled to respond to another loaded expression from the authors. In commenting on the NFL’s current problem in the news regarding domestic violence, the writers claim that even if punishment is meted out to convicted players, it will not set an example for anyone else because our “liberal element of pop culture…simply accepts it.”  Great.

Another attempt at smearing people without a “conservative” point of view by conflating domestic violence with liberalism. One can only hope that people will see these words for what they are: a nasty, desperate attempt to keep America looking the way it did 50 years ago: old, white, male, and insufferable.  Sorry boys, America, Indiana and Zionsville are changing with or without you.

Bettina Zaneteas

