Opinion: Hiking and biking in Fishers to get upgrade


Commentary by Ann Craig-Cinnamon

Fishers has won a lot of awards over the past few years including the 12th best place to live in America, the 11th best place to move, one of the 10 best towns for families, among several others. But in an effort to further improve livability, the town is working on a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and planners are looking for input from residents in drawing it up. So what would you like to see? Is there a sidewalk in your neighborhood that just ends and you’d like to see it connected? How about biking across U.S. 37? Would you like to, but are scared to try? There’s an idea being floated that would link up a trail system from Conner Prairie to downtown Fishers. Would you like to see that happen?  Other cities around us have placed a lot of importance on trails and infrastructure and Fishers town planners don’t want to fall behind. Our cover story this week has more details on how you can pass on your ideas for this Master Plan project.    


As we make way for new ideas and developments, sometimes that means things have to change.  For instance, the Fishers BMV is closing to make way for town offices to move into that building. Read more inside about whether or not Fishers will have a BMV branch in the future.


The robotics team at Fishers High School recently came away big winners at a regional contest and won the right to compete for national honors in St. Louis against 400 teams. They are doing some amazing things with robots. You can read more about it inside. If they could just create a robot that would shovel the snow off our driveways by next winter, I think they’d have a real winning idea!


We want to hear from you if you know of someone who is worthy of being recognized or if you have an event that needs some support. Thanks for reading Current in Fishers!
