Opinion: CRC should have a spokesperson


Ever since the State Board of Accounts unveiled its 2012 audit of the Carmel Redevelopment Commission, Current has written a number of stories about the dealings of the CRC in an attempt to make sense of the city entity. Most of those stories have come in the wake of the resignation of former CRC Executive Director Les Olds, who stepped down last Oct. 17. Since then the CRC has been without a permanent director. It is our understanding that former London Witte consultant Mike Lee handles much of the CRC’s business. While we appreciate Lee’s service, the CRC needs an executive who is willing to answer questions about its use of business tax dollars and the public tax dollars of all Carmel residents that guarantee its debt.

For the CRC to control approximately $200 million in property and not even provide a spokesperson to provide credible and timely answers to matters of public concern is unacceptable, and it is something that should be rectified as soon as possible, in our view.

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Have you heard that Rutgers University professors and students are upset because former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has been invited to speak at this year’s commencement? These professors, overburdened with high pay and free time, passed a resolution saying Rice should not be honored as a result to her role in Iraq and the administration of George W. Bush. The university is standing by its choice, and we salute that. We should add that in 2011, these professors apparently weren’t troubled when Rutgers paid $32,000 for Nicole “Snookie” Polizzi, star of MTV’s “The Jersey Shore,” to speak at the university. Granted, it wasn’t the commencement address, but we’re sure you get our point. Those liberals are always in fear of learning something.
