Vesely wins International Speech Contest

Westfield Toastmasters Club President Gil Michelini congratulates Eddie Vesely on taking first place during the International Speech Contest on Jan. 28. (submitted photo)
Westfield Toastmasters Club President Gil Michelini congratulates Eddie Vesely on taking first place during the International Speech Contest on Jan. 28. (submitted photo)

Eddie Vesely took first place during the International Speech Contest on Jan. 28 and will represent Westfield Toastmasters at the Area 84 Speech Contest. Every year Westfield Toastmasters holds three speech contests in the club. The winner represents the organization in its Area 84 Contest. If Vesely wins the area contest, he moves up to the Division H contest, and then District 11. If he makes it through all these contests, he will represent Westfield at the international convention held in Kuala Lumpur in August.

The Area 84 International and Tall Tales Speech Contests will be held at 9:30 a.m. Feb. 22 at the Fishers Library, 5 Municipal Dr.

Toastmasters International is a worldwide organization dedicated to helping people become the best they can be in areas of communication and leadership. Westfield Toastmasters club’s members choose their own goals and work at their own pace as they advance in the program. The club offers a hands-on, supportive workshop environment and meets from 7 to 8 p.m. every Tuesday night at Jan’s Village Pizza, 108 S. Union St. For more information, visit or call Club President Gil Michelini at 223-1063.
