I was an Orchard Park resident for 48 years, and I was one of the unfortunate residents who’s home backed up to the Monon RR, and I was one of those residents who got cheated out of getting paid the real value of their Monon property. Since that time I have been a “concerned citizen” of Clay Township and the City of Carmel. Even though my age and my health have kept me from living in that area, I still consider it my home and I am concerned about the Carmel Redevelopment Commission, the number of committees or job placements one person can serve on and the financial structure of the city of Carmel.
City Councilor Luci Snyder’s article in the Current on Jan. 28, 2014 points out some of these “discrepancies.”
I was both amazed and surprised that none of the CRC nor most or the Council members did not comment or write a rebuttal to Snyder’s article. Are they afraid to comment, or is it they just don’t care that something might be amiss in their government?
“Come on man,” millions of dollars were spent or put in the wrong city fund by the CRC. Streets that are traveled every day by school buses and increased traffic not being repaired or rebuilt to accommodate this extra traffic thus endangering school children, etc., etc., etc.
It is my contention, and I hope many others’, that the state’s attorney should call in the FBI to conduct a complete investigation of the financial and ethical handling of all of Carmel’s city departments over the past 15 years. The Carmel citizens need to know if and what wrong doings are going on in their government.
William L. Verrill, 46112