With one year under its belt, the Westfield Parks and Recreation staff is looking to improve on the numerous special events the city hosted for the first time including Westfield in Lights, Grand Junction Derby and a summer movie series.
“We’re doing a lot of the same events but tweaking them to improve on them and draw more people,” Special Events Coordinator Amanda Jackson said.
Jackson said a new event this year will be a bicycle rodeo on June 7. The city holds bike to school and bike to work events, but Jackson said the rodeo will be held in conjunction with National Trails Day. The event will include a safety course, proper etiquette for riding on trails and free raffle giveaways.
“It keeps people safe and gets the community out and having fun,” Jackson said.
Parks Director Melody Jones said the department tried a similar event in the past but this year’s will focus on being bicycle friendly and the city’s trail system.
“It’s a service to the community instead of a program,” she said.
Other areas of focus/change include:
Trails – Jones said work will be done on some connector trails in neighborhoods and on larger scale projects.
“Work will be done on Monon and Midland trails in 2014,” she said.
Recreation – Jones said two sand volleyball courts will be constructed at Quaker Park, 17501 Dartown Rd., in 2014 with “potential league play in 2015.”
Arbor Day – The city plans to expand on the annual tree planting and giveaway event.
Voices from the past – Recreation Program Coordinator Stephanie Baumann said the attendance has grown each year with the annual fall historical event with the public and students. “We’ve talked about adding another day of field trips,” she said about 2014. “It’s a goal; something we’d like to do.”
Programming – The parks department opened it programming facility on Ind. 32 this year. Baumann said the facility is expanding its offerings and asks residents to provide feedback on programs they’d like to do that are not currently offered.
“We are also looking for instructors to share their talents, crafts and skills,” she said.