No resolutions for 2014


They just don’t work. New Year’s Resolutions, that is. At least they haven’t for me. And, here we are with another year behind us and ready to relaunch again. What has gone wrong, you ask? I have been pondering this for a while and have some ideas that became crystalized through a song and a sermon earlier this year.

“I had the best of intentions from the start,” is a line from a beautiful song performed by Travis Tritt. The song is called “Best of Intentions.”

Intentions, yes, they are good. And each year I have good intentions when I write my resolutions. Writing them makes them real and I actually look at the list during the year. So, why don’t they happen? It was in a sermon on March 17 by Traders Point Christian Church Pastor Aaron Brockett that I got a clue. In his sermon titled “BackBone – Under Pressure,” he spoke of intentions versus convictions and that “under pressure good intentions collapse but convictions stand.” Pressure comes in all forms from work to kids to just trying to keep things running at home. Pressure also comes through self-inflicted stuff and reveals my priorities and where I am placing my trust.

So, how can I turn my good intentions into convictions? This year, I’ve decided to start with identifying my number one priority that permeates every other part of my life and the obstacles to achieving it. It can be summarized in one word – peace. This year I will seek peace, with conviction, and I have a feeling that if (I mean when) I achieve it everything else will fall into place or probably lose its importance along the way.

May your intentions become convictions in 2014 and may peace be with you on your journey.

And my wandering continues …

My Top 3 obstacles:

Relationships – Nurture relationships that are life-giving, starting with God. Minimize time with ones that are not.

Clutter – Simplify stuff, house, life. De-clutter so I can focus on what’s most important.

Too busy/overscheduled – In the words of my son, “Mom, stop starting and start finishing.” Do not take on anything new until I finish current projects.
