Buy seasonally at the market


By Claudia Pierson

CIZ-LIfestyleWellnessFarmersMarket“Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own,” Charles Dickens

True of life, true of our surroundings and also true in cooking. I have great respect for the seasons. There is something wonderful about the overlapping weeks from one to the next. As we have endured this long winter, we also have hope each time a new crocus or bud appears. It is the same with life – the love of each season and all the changes and discoveries it brings.

Respecting and treasuring each season overflows into our lives as we learn to adapt to our own changes/limitations. Cooking with that in mind also follows suit and is important for many reasons.Screen Shot 2013-05-21 at 11.07.34 PM

Buying fresh produce that is in season enables you to choose that which is the most fresh and to experience selections you may not otherwise take home. The availability of raspberries in January is a wonderful thing, yet how is it possible that they are here in Indiana? While I am very grateful that we live in a world where we can have bananas for breakfast in Indiana, I am also conscious that the closer the food source, the better.

As in our seasons of life, we should find a balance. Take the time to find what is in season and add that to your diet. Buy local and support those farmers who provide us with the freshest of summer melons and tomatoes and winter squash and greens – our own Zionsville Farmers Market is a great place to start.

Adapt your lifestyle to following the seasons and respecting the natural flow of life. It will be healthier for you, encourage local production, and it may even allow you to enjoy a few more seasons of your own life.

