Dec. 3 Town Council recap


What happened: The council approved the consent agenda.

What it means: Each meeting, the councilors vote on a consent agenda, which typically includes meeting memoranda for the previous executive, work and regular session. In addition, other items get added to the agenda. This week, two items were voted on. First, was a pair of contract change orders; one for the Bee Camp Creek Trail project and electrical services at Fire Station 96. The new contract for the former is $57,350, and the latter is now $325,288.

A funds transfer was also approved in the consent agenda. The transfer amounted to $48,146 for station supplies, animal care supplies and the Holland Park Senior Center.

What happened: The Seasons Gardens PUD (planned-unit development) was approved after third reading.

What it means: The applicant, Michael Aikins, has sought a text amendment for the site located at Cumberland Road and 126th Street. The site would bring on additional uses. Past criticism of the PUD included plans to put a kennel on one of the parcels. The petitioner amended the request so that the kennel would only be located on parcel “b.” A drug store will be permitted on parcel “a.” The councilors had no additional questions at the meeting, and passed the ordinance.

What happened: A request for an open road cut permit at 10750 Brooks School Road was approved.

What it means: Vectren Energy approached the town for the permit in order to make a cut and connect to a nearby main. Jeff Hill, director of engineering, was out of the country and Eric Pethtel, director of public works, stepped in to talk about the ordinance. The council had questions on how long Brooks School Road would close, as well as why no other alternatives were possible. Ultimately, Vectren was granted the request. Representatives from Vectren were also present.

What happened:  A second reading and public hearing on annexing land at 10678 and 10748 E. 116th Street was held.

What it means: No remonstrance or questions were held for the “voluntary annexation” at the two properties, Enlow and St. George Orthodox Church, respectively. It’s now ready for third reading.

What happened: First reading was held for a request to approve an amendment to the Pet Palace PUD.

What it means: The petitioner, Andy Pierson, is asking for the ability to put a “boarding facility” in one of the areas in the PUD. The councilors commented little. Town Council President Scott Faultless recommended considering a setback for the facility.

