CPAAA scholarship now available

Jake Blass, left, 2011 scholarship winner with Fishers Police Dept. Officer Jamie Alvis.

The Fishers Citizens’ Police Academy Alumni Association is again offering a $1,500 scholarship to either a Fishers High School or Hamilton Southeastern High School senior this year.


The scholarship is available to a senior with a minimum GPA of 2.5 who expresses a strong interest in the field of criminal justice.


To qualify, a student must be accepted to a university and plan to attend full-time. The student must demonstrate school leadership, community commitment and contributions to society.A handwritten essay indicating why the student has chosen a law enforcement-related career and two letters of recommendation from a teacher, coach, counselor and/or community leader are also required. Applications are available from guidance offices at both high schools, or online at


After applications, essays and letters of recommendation are reviewed, a scholarship committee will set up interviews with qualified students.


The nonprofit Citizens’ Police Academy recently graduated its 21st class dedicated to increasing public awareness and supporting the members of the Fishers Police Dept. through continuing education and volunteer programs. The Citizens’ Police Academy program is open to all residents of Fishers. Academy graduates may continue the program as members of the alumni association, which offers opportunities to volunteer.


Last year, the alumni purchased a new “bite suit” for training the Fishers police dogs.Alumni volunteers helped at the D.A.R.E. golf outing and helped support the Explorer Scout program.  Funds raised from volunteer activities aided in supporting Alternatives Inc. in Anderson for Hamilton County abuse victims and their families. Within the CPAAA is a Sunshine Committee, which provides support for police officers and their families during difficult times, or helps officers celebrate birthdays and other occasions. CPAAA volunteers were recently honored with Presidential Volunteer Award certificates and pins.

