WeCAN talks speed limits and new leadership

COM WeCAN Derek Todd photo
2012 WeCAN City Liaison Derek Todd

WeCAN will be seeing a few changes in leadership during the coming weeks. At the Jan. 31 meeting,Tammy Havard,Westfield Enterprise Dept. project analyst,finished her role as WeCAN’s city liaison to take on several new projects for the City of Westfield and a new title, mother-to-be.

As Havard begins her new projects, the City of Westfield’s Communication’s Division, Carrie Cason and Derek Todd,will step in as the new city liaisons.

Liason Carrie Cason
Liason Carrie Cason

City Council Member John Dippel also serves as the facilitator for WeCAN, and he will continue his role for 2012.

Cook hosted a general question-and-answer session for the first meeting of 2012,followed by a school zone speed limit discussion to be continued next month.

WeCANwas established in 2008 as a Community Association Network, so residents can voice comments and concerns in a monthly forum. Meetings are the last Tuesday of every month.


By Lindsay Eckert
[email protected]

Lindsay is the managing editor of Current in Westfield.
