Noblesville Schools to challenge the Harlem Wizards


COM Wizards GameThe Harlem Wizards will showcase their high-energy basketball skills in Noblesville next Tuesday, but will their trick hoops, alley-oops and fancy ball handling be enough to outplay and outscore Noblesville’s team of principals and teachers?

The game is scheduled for 7 p.m. in The Mill, the main gym at Noblesville High School, 18111 Cumberland Rd., and is a fundraising event sponsored by the Noblesville Schools Education Foundation.

“It’s going to be a great evening – a lot of fun for families. We would like to pack the Mill,” said NSEF President Sharon Trisler. “Come out and support your teachers and principals. It’s not often kids get to see them out horsing around like this.”

The Noblesville Schools team will consist of 33 players.

“Every principal is involved, either as a player or a coach,” Trisler said.

Leading Miller fans on the sidelines will be a cheerleading squad that includes teachers from each elementary school – Anna Schaible and Jamie Harris from Hazel Dell, Kerri Wilkening and Jessica McKamie from Hinkle Creek, Jennifer Nicholson from Noble Crossing, Janene Krent from North, Jeannie Vaughn from Stony Creek and Karen Kirby from White River.

Trisler has seen the Wizards in action before, and described their games as similar to the Harlem Globetrotters with their stunts and ball-handling skills.

“They’re really good in interacting with the audience,” she said. “They bring all kids to the court during halftime. It’s not just a game; a lot of people will get involved.”

Instead of the same opponent, the Wizards take on a team from the hometown where the game is played. Trisler said during the Wizards’ 50 years of touring, they have focused on helping nonprofit organizations raise funds. Half-time entertainment is planned, and both the Wizards and the Noblesville team will be available after the game for autographs.

“It’s a real ball game with concessions from the Miller Backers and a lot of prizes and giveaways,” Trisler said.

Funds raised by the Education Foundation go back into the classroom or for students.

“All of the funds raised are used in classroom grants and scholarships,” Trisler said.

She explained scholarships are given to NHS graduates going to study education in college and teachers pursuing a master’s degree. Trisler said the foundation awards at least one of each every year, but lately has awarded two or three of each. Classroom grants are used to enhance the instruction in the classroom. Trisler said previous grants have been used to purchase leveled reading books for libraries, purchasing copies for all authors published in Bill Kenley’s literary book, schoolwide enrichment programs and sensory development equipment for special-needs students.

“It’s used for a wide variety,” Trisler said.

Trisler said tickets are on sale at each school. Advance-sale tickets are $7 for students and $9 for adults; tickets at the gate are $10 for students and $12 for adults. Tickets also are available online at

Who’s playing?

COM Wizards Game Land mugHazel Dell Principal John Land has been named head coach of the Noblesville team. On the sidelines with Land will be assistant coaches Heidi Karst, Stony Creek principal; Stacey Swan, Noblesville High School assistant principal; and Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear.

Coach Land has a talent-filled roster of players to defend the NHS home court. Representing Noblesville Schools are:

• Hazel Dell – Chris Seago, third-grade teacher; and Doug Atkinson, physical education teacher.

• Hinkle Creek – Jack Lawrence, principal; Chuck VonIns, fourth-grade teacher; and Phil Harrold, retired principal.

• Noble Crossing – Pat Haney, principal; and Karna Chier, Title 1 aid.

• North – Joe Brown, principal; Dave Kimmel, fourth-grade teacher; and JT. Crook, physical education teacher.

• Promise Road – Kelly Treinen, principal.

• Stony Creek – Matt Jacobs, third-grade teacher; and Tria Yoder, literacy aid.

• White River – Christy Jordan, principal; Jill Almodovar, second-grade teacher; and Jered Pennington, fourth-grade teacher.

• NIS – Kyle Barrentine, principal; Andy Hilton, assistant principal; and Brad Howard, sixth-grade teacher.

• NMS – Ryan Rich, principal; Dean Mueller and Chris Stewart, both eighth-grade math teachers.

• NHS – Jeff Bryant, principal; Dan Nicholson, business teacher, Melinda Miller, assistant principal; Nick McKinney, wellness teacher; John McKinney, English teacher; and Matt Johnston, Noblesville police officer and a school resource officer.

• Central Office – Annetta Petty, curriculum director and former NHS principal.
